Where the Crawdads Sing

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Genre: Realistic Fiction; Mystery; Historical Fiction; Adult Fiction

Reviewed by Paige M., 12th Grade

Rating: 10/10

Where the Crawdads Sing is a coming of age story following Kay Clark, and her survival living in "The Marsh."  From a young age, Kay had first hand experience with abuse and abandonment that led her to grow up quickly.  She grew up in the southern parts of what many call a swamp, where she lived among creatures of all kinds.  She was able to make connections with a few great, and not so great people.  The coming of age story evolves into a murder mystery.  This book is told from a first person narration, and hops between a past and present timeline.  While living alone she is able to accomplish so much, with so little help.


When reading this book I was completely enthralled with the life Kay Clark had endured.  The author was very detailed, but kept me entertained and wanting more.  This made me read the book at a much faster rate.  Kay Clark tugs at your heart strings and sometimes makes you swoon.  I loved the mystery that made me grip my seat as I read.  I also felt like this book showed how women are so powerful, and no matter what you have faced in your life you can still overcome.  This book is one of my all time favorites, and I have been recommending it to everyone in my life.

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