Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Genre: Historical Fiction; Adult FictionReviewed by Sophia K., 12th Grade
Rating: 8/10

Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy is the perfect novel for those wanting to read a historical fiction account of the terror that encapsulated America’s westward period during the 1850s. The reader follows “the kid”, a fifteen-year-old runaway from Tennessee who wants to find his place in the world. Through a series of encounters, he joins the Glanton Gang led by the corrupt John Joel Glanton. The group of mysterious, rebellious characters (Tobin the ex-priest, the outlaw Toadvine, and the notorious and intimidating Judge Holden) need to go to California. To do so, they must go through Mexico, whom America ended their war with two years prior. McCarthy’s extensive research helps create an accurate portrayal of the period for readers to feel like they are witnessing a part of American history.
Blood Meridian is an intense read for McCarthy’s intense descriptions of brutal events caused by the gang. Even though it can be difficult to read at times, the graphic scenes are meant for you to understand the sheer brutality behind the “Wild West” stereotype. While reading, I found myself having to take a moment to think about what I had read, and how the event being described most likely happened in real life. Society romanticizes the Wild West instead of showing the crime, greed, and bloodshed behind America’s expansion. That’s why it was shocking for me to read the decline in humanity throughout the gang. The members wanted to go to California for gold, and they would do anything to anyone to get their hands on the prize. To me, it was fascinating to read Blood Meridian since the novel allowed me to build a deeper understanding of events I learned in history class. The want to make money by any means necessary destroys many characters throughout the journey and turns members against one another.
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